Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Beadie Stringy

I was looking for beads for stringing that would be safe
for a toddler. Here are my finds...Enjoy!

Easy Bead Stringing with Toddlers

Posted by mizdg 
  Bead stringing is a classic activity for young children that helps strengthen their fine motor skills and allows them to perfect their hand-eye coordination. Three year olds are just about the right age for bead stringing and card lacing activities without frustration.
For beginners and younger children (two and up), bead stringing can be introduced by using large, wooden beads and pipe cleaners. The firm but flexible pipe cleaners allow small hands to point the tip accurately through the bead's opening. Once the pipe cleaner is through the bead, help young children learn how to grasp the top of the pipe cleaner to slide the bead down.
Caution: This is a good time to introduce words like sharp or "pokey" as M and I call the cut ends of the pipe cleaner. Also, just bend the bottom of pipe cleaner to make a little loop so the beads don't slide off the end.
Sorting and Classifying: Beads can be grouped by color and shape. This is a beginning math skill.
Patterning: Whether stringing them or stacking them, you can introduce beginning patterns by alternating colors and pointing out the pattern to your child, "look, this one has red, yellow, red, yellow, red. Let's make another one that matches." This is another important math skill.
Math Vocabulary to Introduce: different, same, matches, pattern, more, less

My Note: You can "string" on a wooden dowel or pipe cleaner.
Beads should go on easily but not too loosely.  Dowels can be
either held or put into a wood base and glued. Sand and round
off the ends of dowels. A bead glued to one end of the dowel
can hold on the remaining beads to be strung.

Vehicles Stringing
Giant Beads

Geo Beads

Fun Shapes Beads

Farm Stringing

Textured Beads

Stringing Shapes Disks
Melissa and Doug Beads
Foam Beads
Plan Toys Beads

Heirloom Beads

Baby Bead Stringing

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